For Open Innovation 2023, 120 students from 3 universities and several businesses came together over 4 days for pure innovation and creative thinking. We wanted to make this recap film bold, innovative and demonstrate the scale of this event.
An event film from the Founderment ESG event.
An event film from the Dalux Summit event in 2023, hosted by Dalux at Falkonersalen.
An event film from the Food Startup Competition hosted by DSG at Børsen in Copenhagen.
An event film from the yearly partner meeting with CVX Ventures.
An event film showcasing the DTU Board Education programme.
For the Grand Opening of the new Camping location at Boltens Gård in Copenhagen we shot an event film covering the festivities.
For 3 Days of Design we tagged along with Umage for a number of events around Copenhagen.
Next Generation is a yearly initiative which engages students, university associated start-ups and youth-organizations at high-level international events and summits, focusing on sustainability, as next generations academics and entrepreneurs through a tailored program including course collaboration, challenges, keynotes and bootcamps. We tagged along and made this aftermovie!
We covered the Young Researchers Day 2023 at DTU.